When a baby has a breech presentation, the baby and the mother can both become injured during birth. Cerebral palsy is a serious medical condition that can be caused by a breech presentation. When doctors engage in negligence or recklessness, they might fail to adequately treat a baby who is in a breech presentation. When breech babies do not receive the medical care they need, brain bleeds and oxygen deprivation may cause brain injuries that result in cerebral palsy.
Breech Births can be Extremely DangerousThe most common position for birth ideally is head-down, facing the mother’s back, with the chin tucked to its chest and the back of the baby’s head ready to enter the pelvis. When the baby’s buttocks or feet are positioned closest to the pelvis, the baby is in a breech position.
The breech position makes childbirth hazardous, as it can be extremely difficult for babies to navigate the birth canal. Babies can get stuck in the birth canal when they are in the breech position. There are four different types of breech positions:
When a baby is in any of the breech positions, labor can become prolonged. The longer the labor goes on, the more potential there is for the baby to become injured or deprived of oxygen. Sometimes, doctors attempt to manually move the baby into a head-first, correct position. To do so, doctors try to push the baby into place from outside of the mother’s abdomen. Sometimes doctors use too much force or pressure when trying to rotate the baby, causing an injury to the baby or mother.
When doctors cannot turn the baby into a safe and proper position, they must decide whether or not to attempt a vaginal birth or to tell the mother that she needs to have a cesarean section (c-section). While it is possible for the mother to have a vaginal birth when the baby is breech, it can be extremely dangerous.
When certain conditions are not present, doctors should not even attempt a breech vaginal birth. Doing so can become extremely dangerous and can cause the baby to experience a lack of oxygen, resulting in a cerebral palsy diagnosis.
How do Breech Presentations Cause Cerebral Palsy?There are many other ways that breech presentations can cause cerebral palsy. Brain injuries are the main cause of cerebral palsy in children. Sadly, many of these brain injuries are preventable. Injuries that can cause cerebral palsy include the following:
At Arnold & Smith, PLLC we understand that taking care of a child with severe injuries due to a breech presentation can be daunting. If a doctor’s negligence caused a birth injury, our experienced personal injury lawyers are here to help you. We have experience fighting for parents whose children receive a cerebral palsy diagnosis caused by a doctor’s negligence in managing a baby’s breech position. We offer case evaluations to potential clients to review the details of their case and determine if they have a claim. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.