
Amazon Truck Driver Accidents: Personal Injury Claims

Amazon, based in Seattle, is one of the largest online retailers worldwide. During the pandemic, Amazon saw massive growth as more people than ever decided to have their goods delivered to them through Amazon rather than go to the store. Amazon has a massive presence in North Carolina and throughout the United States. They operate multiple websites, warehouses, and fulfillment centers around the globe.

When a customer orders a product, the product is readily available and delivered from one of over 30 sorting centers and over 180 warehouses worldwide. Amazon uses leased semi-tractor trucks and airplanes to ship their goods. They also rely on parcel freight carriers like UPS, FedEx, and others to transport cargo. Amazon also hires local companies to deliver products, and they have even begun streamlining their delivery process using third-party independent contractors. With such a massive presence, it is understandable that we have seen an increase in truck accidents involving Amazon drivers.

Injured in an Amazon Truck Accident? Know Your Rights

If you are one of the many people who have been injured in an accident involving an Amazon driver, it is important that you understand your rights. You may be able to file an insurance claim with Amazon or see compensation through a personal injury lawsuit against the driver, and possibly against Amazon. Amazon uses thousands of cars and trucks on the road that make deliveries every day, including the following types of vehicles:

  • Amazon prime semi-trucks
  • Amazon delivery vans, and
  • Amazon flex cars (delivery drivers using their vehicles)

Regardless of what type of Amazon vehicle caused your accident, the accident may be covered by Amazon's commercial insurance policy. You will need to prove that the Amazon driver was on duty at the time of the accident. Even if the Amazon driver was a contracted employee driving their vehicle, or a vehicle owned by a third party company, you would still need to prove that the Amazon driver was on duty when the accident occurred.

Who is Liable in an Amazon Truck Accident?

Victims of Amazon truck accidents can hold multiple parties legally and financially responsible. Any party whose negligence or recklessness caused the accident is liable to the victims for damages. If the accident involved an Amazon Flex driver, the victim may be able to hold the driver personally responsible and Amazon as a company responsible. Suppose an Amazon delivery van or semi-truck injured the victim. In that case, the victim may be able to sue the third-party shipping company, the name of which should be listed on the truck accident report, Amazon, and/or the individual driver.

Filing an Insurance Claim

You may assume that since you are not at fault for the accident, it will be easy to recover compensation. After all, Amazon has a commercial insurance policy. Unfortunately, as with any insurance company, most insurance companies will try every tactic possible to avoid paying compensation to victims. Before you file a claim with Amazon's insurance policy, we recommend discussing your case with an experienced lawyer.

Amazon is well-known for denying liability in car accidents caused by their drivers, making it difficult for victims to recover a full and fair amount of compensation. Amazon also has significant resources at their fingertips, allowing them to hire lawyers, experts, and anyone else they can to avoid paying compensation. We recommend talking to one of the lawyers at Arnold & Smith, PLLC, before you speak with an insurance adjuster or Amazon representative about your accident.

Insurance Coverage Available for Amazon Accident Victims

The type of insurance coverage available to you after an accident with an Amazon Flex driver depends on several factors. First, it depends on whether an Amazon Flex vehicle or an Amazon Prime delivery truck or van collided with you. If an Amazon Flex driver hits you, the damages should be covered by the Amazon Flex insurance policy. You will need to prove that the driver was at fault and on the clock with Amazon when the accident occurred. Amazon insures its Flex drivers for liability, comprehensive and collision, and uninsured and underinsured motorists. Insurance coverage for Amazon delivery trucks is not straightforward because they use a vast network of companies to deliver packages.

Contact a Charlotte Amazon Accident Lawyer Today

If you or your loved one have been injured in an Amazon truck accident, you need an experienced lawyer on your side. Contact Arnold & Smith, PLLC, today at 704-370-2828 to schedule your free initial consultation.

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Resonable expectations were set and the results far exceeded them. I was well informed, prepared and supported by Matt and his team. They provided comfort and confidence, as well as a great outcome. I can't possibly describe how grateful I truly am for what they have done for me. Matt was recommended to be by another trusted individual and I believe that was a blessing. Anthony
I can't say enough great things about Matthew Arnold and his team. I had a very complicated, high-conflict case which took a lot of time and effort on everyone's part, and I feel like my case was given the time and attention it required. Matt Arnold is a great attorney, and I would go as far as saying one of the best in Charlotte, if not the best. Bree is also amazing. Amber
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