Truck accidents are far too common and can cause devastating injuries and death for those involved. If you or your loved one has been injured in a truck accident, you may have a right to compensation for a personal injury lawsuit. Victims have a right to bring a lawsuit against the person or people whose negligence caused the truck accident that resulted in their injuries. You will need to prove that the defendant acted negligently or recklessly and that the negligence caused the truck accident. You will also need to prove that the truck accident caused your injuries.
Determining the Settlement Amount for a Semi-Truck AccidentIf you have been injured in a truck accident, you have two main options to recover compensation for your injuries. The first option is to seek compensation through the at-fault driver’s insurance company. For example, if the truck driver's negligence caused the accident, you may be able to recover compensation from the trucking company’s commercial insurance policy. The second option is to recover compensation through a personal injury lawsuit in a North Carolina civil court. Plaintiffs can recover economic and non-economic damages in personal injury lawsuits.
The majority of personal injury cases, including truck accident cases, do not go to trial. Instead, the victim and the defendant will come to a settlement agreement outside of court. In other words, before the case goes before a judge, the parties will agree on a settlement. The defendant will offer the plaintiff a lump sum of money in exchange for the plaintiff deciding that they will not bring the lawsuit to court.
If you have been injured in a truck accident, you may be wondering how much your case is worth. Specifically, you may be wondering how much you can obtain in a settlement agreement with the defendant or defendants. Each truck accident case is unique, and many different factors go into determining a settlement value. The best way to obtain an estimate for your case is to discuss it with a skilled attorney. At Arnold & Smith, PLLC, we offer potential clients a free consultation. We will help you estimate the value of your case and the amount of money you could expect to receive in a settlement agreement using our vast experience.
The Average Payout for a Truck AccidentIt is difficult to determine an average payout for a truck accident. Truck accidents can vary in how much damage and injuries they cause. The amount of settlement money you could receive will depend on several different factors. The average semi-truck accident settlement is around $15,000. However, if you are seriously injured, you could obtain a settlement agreement for over $1 million. When deciding how much your case is worth and how much to request in a settlement agreement, your attorney will consider all the following:
Have you been injured in a truck accident in Charlotte or the surrounding area? Are you wondering how much you could obtain in a settlement agreement? If so, the best thing you can do is discuss your case with an experienced attorney. Contact Arnold & Smith, PLLC, today to schedule your free initial consultation.